The thing about our ego, which happens to be the facilitator of what lives in the subconscious, is that the comfort zone is home. The ego will do anything to keep you in that comfort zone, with it’s biggest tactics reliant on limiting beliefs and fears. It does this because the ego part of...
Life in Tucson
It’s been 4 months since we moved to Tucson, Arizona, and what a wild 4 months it has been. I knew it would be a big adjustment moving to the other side of the country from where we were born and raised, but it hasn’t just been an adjustment. It’s been a roller coaster,...
Using Vivid Dreams as a Tool
When I really started diving deep into my inner world and healing, I started having extremely vivid dreams, and sometimes will even lucid dream (which I had never done before). I chalk this up to a raised level of consciousness and awareness of my inner world and all that lies within it. Honestly, half...
Triggers Are Teachers
First and foremost: I completely understand that getting triggered, especially when it comes to trauma, can be painful, scary, uncomfortable, and debilitating. Everything I am about to say is to be worked into slowly and safely. Small steps and one trigger at a time. Now, before I go into how our triggers are our...
Time BY Myself Turned Time WITH Myself
The time I spend alone has transformed into something I now cherish and even crave. It is a necessary part of my self-care and contributes deeply to my self-love and the relationship I have built, and continue building, with myself. This wasn’t always the reality though. I used to hate being alone, because I...
Small & Steady Wins the Marathon
Looking at our journeys, our goals, our dreams, and alllll the things we hope to bring into our lives can be quite overwhelming (especially if you’re like me and have so many dreams you can’t keep track of them all).It can also be very exciting – you get this feeling of inspiration & motivation...
We Are in Control
As it turns out, we are so much more in control than we’ve perceived ourselves as being. I know, I know, let’s not get toooo wild here – turn it down, Mona. Let’s think about it for a minute though, shall we? I hear it sooo often, and I myself have perpetrated it many...
We Need To Go Inward
“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James A. Baldwin Cover Art by @ohhappydani (Instagram) A lot is happening in the world right now, namely with the Black Lives Matter movement which has gone unheard for far too long, and America is on the...