The time I spend alone has transformed into something I now cherish and even crave. It is a necessary part of my self-care and contributes deeply to my self-love and the relationship I have built, and continue building, with myself. This wasn’t always the reality though. I used to hate being alone, because I...
Small & Steady Wins the Marathon
Looking at our journeys, our goals, our dreams, and alllll the things we hope to bring into our lives can be quite overwhelming (especially if you’re like me and have so many dreams you can’t keep track of them all).It can also be very exciting – you get this feeling of inspiration & motivation...
Our Perception is Our Power
There are essentially two ways you can choose to look at life, and what happens throughout the course of your life: 1) Everything is happening to you, or 2) Everything is happening for you. The second, naturally, being much more powerful. But in order to harness said power, we need to choose how we...
We Are in Control
As it turns out, we are so much more in control than we’ve perceived ourselves as being. I know, I know, let’s not get toooo wild here – turn it down, Mona. Let’s think about it for a minute though, shall we? I hear it sooo often, and I myself have perpetrated it many...
The Pursuit of Authenticity
Many of us are on our own pursuit of authenticity, and for those of us who have begun this pursuit – we know it is no easy feat. & for those beginning it, know you are not alone in thinking how friggin’ hard this sh!t is. Bubble bursting: you will not, and can not,...
You Just Start
The most puzzling, frustrating question is: “Where do I start?” You see all these woke people on instagram and facebook who just have their shit together. They’ve got it on lock; the world is their oyster and they’re manifesting the life of their dreams without batting an eyelid. They are doing the deep inner...