The thing about our ego, which happens to be the facilitator of what lives in the subconscious, is that the comfort zone is home. The ego will do anything to keep you in that comfort zone, with it’s biggest tactics reliant on limiting beliefs and fears. It does this because the ego part of...
WHY Do Inner Work?
Inner work is one of those topics that has blown up, being talked about left and right – everywhere you look on social media now is a mention of inner work. Why? Why is it so important? Why do it? Do you really need to do it? Is it really necessary? All valid questions....
You Did the Best You Could
An Open Letter to my Past Self My beautiful Ashley – You did the best you could, and I need you to know how proud of you I am. I know how hard that is to believe, to feel, because I know how much shame you hold. I know how hard it is for...
Knocking Down the Wall I had Built Around Myself
Thinking back, it was about 8th grade when the wall started getting built… and a wall it was. Not just some rickety old fence that you could get through if you poked it enough times, no, it was more like the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of Ashley, if you will. Its...
Using Vivid Dreams as a Tool
When I really started diving deep into my inner world and healing, I started having extremely vivid dreams, and sometimes will even lucid dream (which I had never done before). I chalk this up to a raised level of consciousness and awareness of my inner world and all that lies within it. Honestly, half...
Triggers Are Teachers
First and foremost: I completely understand that getting triggered, especially when it comes to trauma, can be painful, scary, uncomfortable, and debilitating. Everything I am about to say is to be worked into slowly and safely. Small steps and one trigger at a time. Now, before I go into how our triggers are our...
Time BY Myself Turned Time WITH Myself
The time I spend alone has transformed into something I now cherish and even crave. It is a necessary part of my self-care and contributes deeply to my self-love and the relationship I have built, and continue building, with myself. This wasn’t always the reality though. I used to hate being alone, because I...
Our Perception is Our Power
There are essentially two ways you can choose to look at life, and what happens throughout the course of your life: 1) Everything is happening to you, or 2) Everything is happening for you. The second, naturally, being much more powerful. But in order to harness said power, we need to choose how we...
We Need To Go Inward
“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James A. Baldwin Cover Art by @ohhappydani (Instagram) A lot is happening in the world right now, namely with the Black Lives Matter movement which has gone unheard for far too long, and America is on the...