About Vibing With Life

If you’re working your way through in order, then you probably just finished learning about me. If not, then YOLO! Live life on the wild side!

I decided to dedicate a page to the brand name itself, because it is so so close to my heart. I want you to know where Vibing With Life came from, why it means so much to me, and what my mission is with this brand.


I faced years of depression, anxiety, and self-harm. I hated myself, my life, and everything that was happening – I felt like I was well and truly meant to be miserable. I was the Universe’s joke – it’s laughing stock. I cried almost every single day, and I wondered how someone with such a loving upbringing could end up so miserable. 

My rock bottom was my safe space. It was my comfort zone. 

There was no light at the end of the tunnel. This was just how it was; how it was meant to be. 

And this is how I lived my life. Day in and day out – Mundane, same actions, same tears, same feelings of feeling like fucking shit. I got so used to it that come college, I stopped thinking about it; I shoved it down and figured if I didn’t think about it, then it just is what it is and it can’t hurt me. It remained that way until shit hit the faaaaaaannnnn. 

I crashed my car head on into a tree, got arrested, suspended from my Master’s program, and ultimately had to drop out of Grad School. There is TRULY NOTHING more eye opening than having to call your mother while she’s in England at 2am in the morning to tell her you’d been arrested; having to call your father, who’s disappointment you dread more than anything in this world, to tell him you wrecked your car and now have a record; having three of the most important people in your life post your bail; and having to tell your brother that you can’t come get him from the hospital because you crashed your car & got a DUI. I have NEVER been more ashamed in my entire life. 

I laid in bed for a week straight; I didn’t eat, I didn’t shower, I didn’t speak. I cried, stared at the wall, barely slept, and forced myself to go to class in hopes I could hang on to my admittance.

Think it can’t get any worse? Queue the court dates, the lawyer, the multi-level appeal process to BEG for my spot in Grad School, and the pure shame I felt when I had to tell my group that I couldn’t contribute to the project anymore because I was no longer a student. 

I felt like such a failure. A pure, to-the-bone, honest-to-god FAILURE. I had failed my parents, my siblings, my friends, my professors, my group, my college, my future, myself

Then something happened. The Universe stepped in.

I had a message in my inbox – one that turned into an invitation to become a holistic wellness coach. LOL I KNOW. It really is comical looking back – I was literally at the lowest point in my entire life and I said yes to becoming a COACH. Like, excuse me, what? Who the fuck do I think I am?

But let me tell you – if I hadn’t, I may not even be here right now. Straight up. There is a high possibility I would have spiraled to the point of my own demise – quite literally.

The biggest thing saying yes did for me was stepping onto the path of my awakening.
It opened my eyes. It opened my heart. It opened my mind. It opened my SOUL.

I learned that there is a world outside of feeling like shit – I learned that all it took was the realization that that world existed, and that world is YOURS. All you have to do is take the first step towards it.

I started reading, I started listening to podcasts, I started yoga & meditation, I started journaling (like hi, who is this?)… I STARTED GIVING A SHIT. I realized that the only way out of my hole was to do the damn work – to do the personal development and soul healing. 

This was a deeeesasterr. Don’t get me wrong, it was completely necessary and I grew a lot as a person, but I kept my own wall up and I didn’t let myself pass that inner troll to all the bullshit inside me that was creating my bullshit reality. Thus, the bull kept getting shit all over the place. 

So 2 years after my accident, after failing at being a coach with an NM company, and overall failing at diving deep enough to truly do anything about my unfortunate reality, I decided to CUT THE SHIT. I dropped $1200 on a 10 week program because I knew I needed help – I knew I couldn’t do it on my own, it was time to bite the bullet and swallow my pride. 


It was all like “yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss, biiiiiisccchhhhhhh!” 

And THAT is why I am here, in front of you, with Vibing With Life. Because I have a mission – a mission to change the world. Yes, you read that right – CHANGE THE WORLD. 

Fuck depression. Fuck anxiety. AND FUCK SELF HARM. 

I am here to show you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and beautiful – that light is YOU.


My mission, my purpose on this planet is to help as many people as humanly possible out of their dark place, their rock bottom. To show as many people as I can that it does get better, and that the Universe really is on your side. To help as many people as possible step into their authenticity, their individuality, their truth, THEIR FUCKING POWER. 

I have a mission to create a world where your dark place is a passing feeling; a world where you are born into your power and you never fucking forget it. A world where society doesn’t try to condition you because everyone is EMPOWERED. I am here to create a world that never has to experience what a depressive rock bottom feels like.

And I am going to do everything in my power to make that so. I am going to do everything I possibly can to expand Vibing With Life into a worldwide movement that promotes nothing but love, positive change, and individual freedom & empowerment. 

Because you deserve it. You deserve to feel like you’re on top of the world. You deserve to feel unstoppable. You deserve to feel unending bliss and gratitude every day for the life you live. YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING. & I am here to help you claim it all.

Vibing With Life is not just a blog; it is not just a brand. It is movement. It is global change. It is everything inside of every human that is waiting to be awakened. 

Just imagine: what would happen if every single solitary human being on this planet truly awakened?
World mother fucking peace. That’s what.

I want you to know what it feels like to smile so genuinely hard that you’re afraid your face might break

With Love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

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