Thinking back, it was about 8th grade when the wall started getting built… and a wall it was. Not just some rickety old fence that you could get through if you poked it enough times, no, it was more like the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of Ashley, if you will. Its...
Using Vivid Dreams as a Tool
When I really started diving deep into my inner world and healing, I started having extremely vivid dreams, and sometimes will even lucid dream (which I had never done before). I chalk this up to a raised level of consciousness and awareness of my inner world and all that lies within it. Honestly, half...
Triggers Are Teachers
First and foremost: I completely understand that getting triggered, especially when it comes to trauma, can be painful, scary, uncomfortable, and debilitating. Everything I am about to say is to be worked into slowly and safely. Small steps and one trigger at a time. Now, before I go into how our triggers are our...