Looking at our journeys, our goals, our dreams, and alllll the things we hope to bring into our lives can be quite overwhelming (especially if you’re like me and have so many dreams you can’t keep track of them all).
It can also be very exciting – you get this feeling of inspiration & motivation and all of a sudden you’re ready to take every single step at once and achieve all your dreams right now… so you start… until you’re ego pipes up and is like “uuhhh no. not quite sure who you think you are buuut this is a no go, we definitely can’t do this and it’s completely unpractical and irresponsible. please return to your assigned seat.”
Think of trying to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar, and that’s like trying to figure out how many times I have done this. & every single solitary time without fail, I fell flat on my face and my butt at the same time (metaphorically – is that even physically possible? … now i’m laughing at the thought of that, hope you are too).
We have built up a system of beliefs in our subconscious over the years – these are what our mind considers to be our absolute truth (even though many are not), and that includes your comfort zone. We have also built a system of automatic pathways in our minds that route us directly back to that comfort zone based response… think about how many times you do something without thinking about it, or say something without processing it – because it has become an automatic habit or response.
As much as we would like to, we cannot shatter this entire box of bs beliefs all in one go… picture the episode in SpongeBob where his brain is on fire & he forgets his own name. Our subconscious minds and our all-too-powerful (for now) ego’s will not allow this to happen. AND THUS, we must go at it one step at a time and begin to slowly uncondition our minds and recondition them to work better for us & our highest good (and of course for all those dreams we be livin’).
Because even with the small steps, your ego still throws a shit fit. At least mine does, she’s a total brat. It is coming from all the fears & limiting beliefs hidden in your inner world, governing the success of your comfort zone as home; it’s easy to take this road all the way to deep overwhelm and crippling anxiety, and one big ol’ “fuck it!” Then you hang out at aimlessly at your surface level starting line until shit hits the fan and you have to make a drastic change – don’t wait until that point (because even at this point, it is not sustainable for the long term because you aren’t giving yourself the space to process what’s goin dooowwwwnnnn).
It is so much easier for our minds to take small doses of change. & if we start before it hits the fan, we get to take our time and make it fuuuun (though time is a construct, but let’s not go there). Think of it as building blocks… we need to create a steady base first, and normalize it – make it a new & improved automatic response that you don’t have to fight to do every day. This is where your first action step comes in – that first thing you have decided to commit to every day to move you forward in the pursuit of your dream life (again, make it small and attainable).

Once you have this first block (step) in place, you can build the next one, and so on. Build on top of each step… add one small thing at a time and get used to it, get into the feelings and emotions of it, and lap up every second of how darn good it feels to do you! Then you’ll go for the next step with more excitement and more readiness, and it will feel less forced than the first go around.
I want you to remember though – it is OK to switch it up. If you start with one step and realize it is not aligned for you, or it doesn’t feel good, or it is not in fact moving you forward, then ADJUST! Nothing is set in stone, and our journeys evolve as we do (which also makes it a lot easier to take the pressure off yourself).
The first time you try to make some serious changes, feelings of discomfort will come up, and you very well may fall backwards. That is ok. Take a look at your perceived “failure” and find the lesson in it, then get back up and try again with your new knowledge. And it grows and grows and grows from there. See the theme here?
It all starts so small it’s barely noticeable, but that’s how you make changes you can sustain and teach your subconscious mind and your ego that you are, in fact, hot fucking shit & you are alllll powerful & you can do absolutely anything you set your ever knowledgeable mind & ever expanding heart to.
& before you know it – you’ll notice it, and you’ll be sobbing on your couch into a bowl of chicken chili because for the first time in your life you looked at a picture of your face filling smile you just took and you thought you looked so fucking beautiful and so fucking alive that your body & mind could not handle this new found ever mysterious self-love so you just cry because holy shit all this hard work and all these small teeny tiny steps are paying off & you CAN actually do this.
Boo-fucking-yah baby.
With endless love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx