We Are in Control

As it turns out, we are so much more in control than we’ve perceived ourselves as being. I know, I know, let’s not get toooo wild here – turn it down, Mona. Let’s think about it for a minute though, shall we?

I hear it sooo often, and I myself have perpetrated it many times – the complaints about how everything is just out of our control, it is what it is, and shit just happens.
I am going to challenge that.

Now, I won’t be going into how shit doesn’t always (or really ever) just happen (i.e. Law of Attraction/Manifestion) – that’s a story and a topic for another day. Instead, I would like us to focus on what is currently in our direct control, coming from the perspective of the beginning of our journeys.

Drumrollllll …. OUR REACTION & OUR RESPONSE. And thus, my fine in-control friends, OUR FEELINGS, EMOTIONS AND VIBRATIONS. Which like it or not, circles around to manifestation and no more shit just happening. Buuuut let’s stick to the first part for now.

Our perception is a flexible tool, it is not set and sealed.
And our perception is how we control the events that “aren’t in our control.”

Every single event, situation, occurrence etc. that happens in our life is completely and inherently neutral in nature. It is entirely your perception of it that gives it meaning, and makes it ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ We attach a meaning to these events and situations – we attach a meaning to how people react towards us. Now, you have formed subconscious belief systems over the course of your life, and that’s why you so quickly perceive an event in a certain way, without having to think about it – it follows the paths of what has already been wired in your subconscious mind.

That’s where awareness comes in – one of the first and the most important steps on our journeys, especially in the beginning. We need to become aware of these thought patterns & beliefs, these perceptions, and our reactions. It is our reactions and responses that are governed by those patterns, beliefs & perceptions.

So begin by becoming aware of how you react & respond – start with what is most obvious and out front.

**Important Differentiation to note: Reaction is emotion based and immediate, whereas Response comes after and involves more thinking and less feeling. (This is how I personally have come to view and differentiate them).

Once you look at how you react and respond to an event, situation, or circumstance, you will be able to start spreading that awareness to perception – what did you perceive the situation as that influenced how you responded to it?

Then go deeper – what feelings and emotions came before that perception (the meaning you gave the situation)? What came up during and after? What memories came up?

Finally, what is at the root of how you reacted & responded? What are those beliefs and dominant thought patterns – what is it that you hold true that caused your reaction?

Becoming aware of the layers of a situation that is “not in our control” will allow us to alter any beliefs or thoughts that are not serving us, through inner work and rewiring/reframing, and that may be causing less than desirable reactions or feelings. This will then allow us to alter how we react and respond to situations.


If we are able to consciously begin perceiving situations and events in a way that is desirable for us, then all the shit that just happens won’t be so shitty because you’ll be looking at it through a new and improved lens of everything is happening for me. And that is pooowwweeeerrrrfffuuuuuuuuulllll (say that dramatically af, with a slight head tilt to the back).

We can 100% control how we perceive, respond and react to a situation and that is everything. If we choose to follow limiting and/or old belief systems that lead us to anger, annoyance, frustration, etc. then shit will continue to just happen and it shall suck. BUT as I keep saying, if you decide to see the good in it, the lessons, the growth, the humor, the silver linings, THEN THAT WAS YOU CONTROLING THE SHIT OUT OF THAT SITUATION!

Eventually, this will become natural, and you will have changed the way you perceive things in your subconscious, making that the new norm – cool right?! And then you can travel the ever so magical path of manifestation and controlling your reality (to an extent anyway – cocreation with the Universe, but again another story for another day) in a way where shit never just happens to you, but everything always happens FOR you.

& You my friend, are in more control than you have ever before dreamed of.

Don’t be a victim of your life, be a creator of it.

With endless love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

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