Our Perception is Our Power

There are essentially two ways you can choose to look at life, and what happens throughout the course of your life: 1) Everything is happening to you, or 2) Everything is happening for you.

The second, naturally, being much more powerful.

But in order to harness said power, we need to choose how we are consciously going to perceive the events, situations, circumstances, people, etc. in our lives. & You guessed it – that choice with all the fun power would be to look at it all as happening for you.

Being in a state of everything happening to you is also commonly known as victim mode… Now, I’m not saying this to hurt anyone’s feelings, but rather to point out the differences in the two very similar looking statements above. Playing the role of the victim in your life (whether it be subconsciously or consciously) is seeing everything as happening to you, thus seeing yourself as having no control over the events, situations or circumstances in your life. & THUS this is what you are focusing on – the negative perception you have attached to the happenings and begun to dwell on, which is putting out the same energy as the perception of said happening, and as such, is now calling it back to you in more events that you can perceive as happening to you because the world is mean (that’s the Law of Attraction at play right there). 

To go deeper into how we can control the events in our life that “we have no control over” and how perception ties directly into that, check out my previous blog post We Are In Control.

Deciding that everything is happening for us is powerful, and it changes the game.

& it begins with a conscious choice to switch how you look at life’s happenings.

Instead of diving into the victim pool, take a step sideways and dip your toes into the one next to it; can you come up with a reason this happening might benefit you?

Is there a lesson in this, or a way for you to grow? Is there an opportunity hidden somewhere in there? 

When you look at these events with curiosity rather than frustration and resentment, a whole new door opens. You have begun to take back the power because you are learning how to alter your perception in a way that truly benefits you & your highest good, and thus you are learning how to control (and attract) the circumstances in your life that are more desirable.

& even when those less-than-desirable events do occur, you now have a new lens to look at them through which allows you to keep the power you have always had, and now know how to use.

There are a billion and one ways you can look at a situation, and it is your choice whether you fall into a negative perception or stand tall in a positive perception.

This will not be easy at first, as we have formed pathways in our subconscious brain over the course of our life up until this point, and many of them have been there since we were young. Therefore, many of the perceptions you have are automatic, which means this will take a little bit of work and a lot of awareness.

Cultivate your awareness and you can control your perception.

It is entirely possible to change the way we view life and what goes on in it, but it’s not going to happen overnight and it’s not easy – that’s why everyone isn’t walking around seeing fairies in the trees. 

The reward of viewing your life through a perception that brings you joy and happiness and gratitude and alllllllll the good feels, no matter what happens, is so fucking magical & worth every step it takes to reframe what we have been conditioned to see for so long.

The choice is yours, and the magic is too. You just have to commit to the lessons and the growth and the stumbles, and know that in every experience comes an opportunity for you to expand your inner world, and alter your perception to fit into the mold of the life you dream to live. 

You truly do have the power, we all do.

& Consciously altering your perception to work for you, is one of our greatest sources of power; because the truth is – everything is always happening for you, and therefore everything can always work for you. It’s more so a matter of whether or not your perception allows for that to exist?

Choose to start seeing more beauty in the everyday, it won’t disappoint.

With endless love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

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