Nature Heals

Have you ever taken a walk barefoot through the forest?
Have you ever swam naked in a natural body of water?
Or danced in the pouring rain?
Have you slept under The Milky Way?
Or hugged a tree?
How about let your soul scream woooohooooo” at the top of a mountain?

Because I have, and they are all incredibly soul freeing.

Nature is this planet’s most beautiful creation, it holds unmatched levels of love, purity and magic. It embodies gratitude, joy and creation within itself. Nature in its purest, rawest form is a direct physical manifestation of Source Energy itself – of The Universe, God, or whatever aligns with you. & If you completely immerse yourself in it, wholly and with your entire presence, you will see just that. 

Nature heals.

Over the course of our lives, we have accumulated so much in our brains, specifically our subconscious. I’m not just talking about beliefs either, I’m talking everything – to-do lists, obligations, appointments, creative ideas, desires, expectations – you name it & it is taking up space in our precious and ever powerful subconscious minds.

This makes it easy to end up feeling stressed, overwhelmed, frazzled, anxious and/or any of the accompanying emotions. Personally, I end up feeling scattered and all over the place, not knowing what to do next or even now. & I think we all know this tends to lead to a lack of productivity, or less than desirable results from what we are trying to be productive with.

Pushing these feelings aside, or continuing to push past them, is going to ensure they keep coming back and continue building up in that dark corner in which you have shoved them. It’s so important that we give them space to exist, but we also give them and ourselves an outlet to settle our minds and free them from the constant swirling thought tornado.

Queue nature.

Nature is mesmerizing, mysterious and it’s calming. It’s also perfect to get mentally, emotionally and spiritually lost in. Give yourself time to set yourself free from the constant go-go-go in your head for a day, a few days, a week – whatever suits your fancy! & Reap the endless benefits that come from Nature’s powers.

Whenever those feelings listed above come to visit, acknowledge them, let them be for a minute, and then tell them this is your time and it’s time for them to go. Don’t dwell on them.

Nature makes this process easier, because there is soooo much to be in awe of. Look at all the colors, listen to all the sounds, feel the ground on your feet or the bark of a tree on your hands… completely immerse yourself in the nature that surrounds you & let yourself fall into the gratitude and joy that comes with it.

Nature based activities that bring you joy are awesome for this – throw in a hike, camping, biking, kayaking or canoeing – whatever your favorite is. Allow yourself to just be and feel that joy as deeply as you can.

All those icky feelings and overwhelm will naturally begin to fall away, and they won’t pop up as frequently because you’ll be too busy becoming one with nature.

This time off gives your subconscious mind and your ego some time off as well – and it gives your higher self a chance to really bask in the glory of connecting with something so pure and beautiful, and of the highest vibration. Thus lifting your vibration in the process, and melting those worries away.

This also helps to clear the “junk” out in your mind that is floating around without serving an actual purpose. So when you go home, and return to your day to day, you have a clearer head and an enhanced energy to go at your to-do list. 

Nature breathes life back into me, it lifts my energy back up, and revitalizes me. It can do the same for you! Whenever you feel the need for a break – when things are becoming a bit too much – get yourself in nature, wholly and completely. Allow nature to be your recharge. 

The cool part? The more present and conscious you are during your time in nature, the more ideas and downloads you will begin to get from the Universe… you are clearing out all the unnecessary thoughts no longer needed, and creating space for new thoughts and ideas that will serve you moving forward.

Eventually making that return home just as exciting as the trip out into nature. 

Nature heals,
Let it heal you too.

With endless love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

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