The Pursuit of Authenticity

Many of us are on our own pursuit of authenticity, and for those of us who have begun this pursuit – we know it is no easy feat. & for those beginning it, know you are not alone in thinking how friggin’ hard this sh!t is.

Bubble bursting: you will not, and can not, become your truest, most authentic self overnight.
I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t work that way.

However, the journey to embrace and embody our authentic selves can be an absolutely beautiful, magical, eye opening experience if we choose & allow it to be.

It’s easiest to view your authentic self as your child self; that time when you were still a complete embodiment of unobstructed innocence and unaware of “the way the world works.” When we were kids, we didn’t care about what others thought, and we didn’t think about whether what we thought was “weird.” We just did us, and that is a purely beautiful thing… exactly what we are hoping to embody on this pursuit of self-authenticity.

This being said, we have since learned a lot of things & come to hold a lot of beliefs that are not our authentic truth – they do not belong to us (they belong to someone else – whom you learned it from), and they do not serve us. Thus, on the journey & pursuit of our authentic self, we must unlearn the years of conditioning we have taken in since we were children. This is not easy… in fact, it can be really fcking hard. & it does not happen right away, it is a journey.

Yes, this does require inner work, and a willingness to look within yourself & your belief systems up until this point; it means analyzing them and unlearning, reframing & releasing those that are not rooted in your highest self. But it also means reconnecting with your inner child, and your joy. There is hard work on this journey – in this process – but there is also fun. Because for the first time since you were a child, you are learning how to just be yourself without a worry in the world.

There are multiple avenues for you to step onto this journey to your authentic self, but two starting points stick out to me…

1st Street-

The Question(s): What did you love to do as a child? What did you believe? How did you view the world?

Those beliefs and views, especially those prior to the age of seven years old, are unbiased. Most beliefs are formed prior to seven years old, so from that point on (give or take, of course) you are operating under a system of beliefs that may not entirely be rooted in your own truth. Really go as far back as you can – what are the earliest memories that you can think of, that entail the fun you used to have, the activities you used to do, the imaginary friends, the beliefs, etc.?

This may seem weird, but that’s the point – we’re looking to break the norm that has been breaking us. If it makes you feel better – I dressed up as a fairy the other day, and went out into the “enchanted forest” by my apartment to play with the fairies & the gnomes, and proceeded to blast vibey, earthy music while dancing with my soul self in the middle of a beautiful dirt road. This made my inner child holler with joy. & it made me realize that my authentic self embraces the weird, wild and wonderful completely; she believes in magic and she believes in fairytale realities. Why should I suppress that because others judge me for it, or tell me that it’s weird or doesn’t exist? I shouldn’t & I don’t have to… neither do you!

& embracing this makes me feel closer than ever to my highest and most authentic self.

Look for those joy producing activities, especially those that make your inner child sing & dance. Those are going to be the catalyst for building a deep, unconditional connection with your authentic self.

2nd Street –

The Question: What are you afraid/hesitant to do/share because of the fear of judgement from others?

Often times, we hold ourselves back from doing certain things, expressing certain thoughts or beliefs, or being a certain way because we are afraid of the judgement we will receive from others. This line of thought and action is a surefire way to suppress our authentic selves and shape ourselves into who we think “we need to/should be” or who we think others will like.

Someone else’s opinion/thoughts of you will NEVER be as important as your opinion/thoughts about yourself.

Take some time to look at the answer to this question, and see what activities you can do, things you can share etc. that may make you feel uncomfortable because you fear being judged. Completely ixnaying the judgement, how does this make you feel?! Is there joy and excitement and happiness and fun?! Because that is what it’s all about!! Yes, some people may judge you, but there will be many more who accept you for who you truly are at your core, because I promise you – that person is beautiful.

& the answer to this question will lead you closer to that person – to that authentic version of you waiting to be freed!


Neither of these options are superior to the other, and both are great ways to start identifying how to begin embodying your most authentic self. Take a whack at both to really cover your bases.

& This is where the fun really begins! Go ahead, experiment & step into the unknown – because soon enough, you’ll come to realize it’s not the unknown, but what is most known within your world.

Life is one big joy ride & This is one giant learning process.
Always remain conscious of it, but never take it too seriously.

With love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

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