Stop Waiting Until You’re “Ready”

Here’s the thing: there’s no such thing as being “ready.”

I’m talking 100% READY to do whatever it is you’re waiting to be ready for. If you wait until that point you’ll never get there. There will always be something else for you to do, or plan, or think about, etc. You’ll find a way to keep pushing it off until you’re “ready.”

Many times this applies to stepping out of our comfort zone, and doing that thing you’ve never done before that you want to be perfect first. But that is not always the case… For example, these last few weeks I have had a lot of heavy emotions and limiting beliefs come up, and I have been diligently working through them, spending full days journaling and talking myself through it.

But then I caught myself. I had stopped taking steps and doing the actions, because I was taking so much time to work through this until I was “ready” to get back into the higher vibrational state and start doing the things again. But if I continue to wait for this to happen, what I’m essentially doing is feeding these lower vibrational feelings and the frustration that was coming up – I’m sitting in them waiting for them to subside half on their own, and half because I was journaling like a self-help crazy person.

Yes, it is very important to sit with what comes up, and journaling is a wonderful tool to work through many things. However, we must identify that line where we go from self development & productive inner time, to avoidance and making excuses for getting back in the game. That line is different for everyone but it is there.

In order for me to start feeling better, and to start feeling those high vibe feelings again, I needed to start doing things. I needed to stop waiting until I’m ready or I’m back in that “good place.”

What is going to get me back into that good place is doing the actions, taking the steps, and showing myself that I can do this and that I am in control of how I feel. I had to start feeding the high vibes for them to start growing again, for them to come back up & reclaim their spot in the driver’s seat.

I had to stop feeding the lower vibrational emotions and start feeding the high vibrational emotions.
I had to stop feeding the fear and start feeding the love.

Disclaimer: It’s not going to happen all at once. One action is not going to solve the problem.

But once you do that first thing, that first action, to feed the good feelings, then you will begin wanting to do more naturally, and as you go along, taking these steps, you’ll raise your vibration back up again.

Waiting until you’re “ready” to do someting is the biggest excuse in the book, and it’s the best because it sounds legit & makes logical sense. Ultimately, it’s nothing more than a procrastination tactic.

Don’t get me wrong, there is obviously a certain level of ready for many things that we need before releasing, launching (etc) whatever it is – but there is a point where it becomes ready, and now you’re searching for perfect. & that search for perfection is procrastination.

The most effective thing we can is to just do it. Nothing is set in stone: we can learn from what we do, we can grow, we can refine, we can edit, we can adjust. Stop waiting for perfection, stop waiting until you feel ready, and stop using both of those as an excuse. Start feeding the part of you, or the part of your reality, you want to see & embody – start doing something (anything) to reinforce that goodness & those higher vibes.

Energy flows where focus goes.

Focus on the good shit, and it will help you to work through whatever is holding you back, and it will help you to take that uncomfortable, unknown leap into that thing that never feels ready.

Choose the good “what ifs” – the ones that make you excited & forget the ones that make you feel anxious and question your readiness. Make your what if’s work for you!

You are always ready.
Because ready is relative.

Trust yourself, you have much much more power than you’ve been giving yourself credit for!

With endless love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

Another post that may help with this is When You Want to Do Nothing… Do Something.

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