You Are Your Light

My sweet child
Your soul was meant
To be wild

I know the downs
Feel deeper than the ups
I know you’re resistant,
Your heart distant

I plead you to see
Your spirit was meant
To be free

I know the highs
Feel fleeting, while the downs
A rock bottom comfort zone
Becoming your home

A warrior, no longer
Trapped and chained
But a life force growing stronger

I know it’s dark
In your endless tunnel
Close your eyes
And let your light rise

My sweet child
You are the creator
Of your wild

There is a light
Let go of this fight
Please push through
Because that light is you.


It does get better. I wish i could scream this from the moon with a megaphone loud enough for every human to hear that it does get better. Life does not have to be a fight, and i promise you to the ends of the earth and back that life is not against you, no matter how much it may feel that way.

Ebbs and flows can be tough – the high and lows so drastically opposite, it can throw the brain for a loop. Let alone, the spirit and the psyche. But i want you to know that as deeply as you feel the downs, you have the capability of flying through the skies with your highs. 

It’s tough when you first start your journey, when you’re a newborn foal first stepping into the world, and you have no fcking idea which way is up, so naturally you fall down. The highs have been so high and you have felt sooo good making these first steps and deciding to do something about the shit pile you’ve realized no longer serves you – you feel like a warrior who could honestly conquer the fcking world.

& then feelings smack you in the face. You know, the feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings that make you feel all the feels.

Now all of a sudden, you want to throw a complete tantrum and haul all your self-help books clean out the window because who needs ‘em?!

Okay, b r e a t h e .

Take a step back and take a breath. This is normal, it is natural – and everyone experiences this. Yes, even the ones on social media who have their shit together. Even they experience times where tears and a tantrum just have to happen. 

Here’s a little secret – it is physically, biologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually impossible to be happy 100% of the time, to never experience the “negative emotions” and to always have your shit together. We are HUMANS. We have a wide array of emotions and feelings for a reason! 

And the ones that make you feel like shit are there FOR YOU. Yes, that is correct, i said FOR. They are there to help you – they are they to show you that something needs to be healed, that something needs attention and loving, that something needs to be fcking heard after years of sitting in the dark corner it was shoved. You can grow from this, you can learn from this, you can heal yourself from this. 

When shit hits the fan, don’t hit the fan with it – take that breath, and take a look at what might be trying to have its voice heard. 

You heal as your traumas heal,
You heal as your hurt heals,
You heal as your heart heals. 

& there is absolutely no right or wrong way to heal.
There is no right or wrong way to move through your journey.

You are loved and you are supported.
You are enough and you are worthy.
You are needed and you are wanted.

& i fucking promise you, it gets better.
Just give it a chance, just don’t give up yet.

You are valued.


With endless love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx


I always have an open door, if you feel as though you need support or just a friendly, understanding ear, my social links are at the bottom of the page, please don’t hesitate.

Original poem by me, Ashley Holas, 5-24-2020

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