Why I Get Dressed Every Day

I found myself sluggishly dragging my unwilling self over to the kitchen table five days a week, where I had setup my remote work station for my job, still wearing what I had slept in + my red robe. This happened more days than it didn’t because I wasn’t leaving the apartment, so what was the point in putting in any appearance efforts? Little did I realize how detrimental this was to my mood and my mindset.

It wasn’t until I came across a post on Instagram that said “when I envision my higher self, she _______, so I started doing _______.” And it really hit me – immediately, my mind went to well, when I envision my higher self, she gets dressed every day and puts effort into her appearance.

So that is exactly what I started doing. Every damn day.

I knew that staying in pajamas all the time was not conducive to getting shit done, but I also didn’t want to think about it because it meant I had to put effort in. But when it was phrased like above, I realized that it wasn’t just something I should be doing every day, but it was something that my higher self would do every day because she wanted to and it made her feel good. I also realized that this was my higher self like “HEY THERE! I don’t like looking and feeling like I don’t care every day, so let’s step a little more into what I want, which is to feel goooooood.”

So I started getting dressed every day, and actually caring about what I wore, FOR ME, not for anyone else. This also being a reason I hadn’t done so before – I had a belief that I was getting dressed for everyone else, but when I shifted that and decided to do it for myself, it became a power move, not a chore.

Next thing you know, I’m feeling all the good stuff, and noticing that this is actually making a difference. I was in a better mood throughout the day and felt like I was on a higher vibration. It created a mindset shift simply by getting changed into something I didn’t sleep in.

Soon after, I started to notice my self-confidence was increasing. I felt so much better because I was putting in the effort to look nice every day, and I was doing it for me. It’s not so easy to feel all hot on yourself when you’re in stained sweats and last week’s shirt – but when you’re rocking a fire jumpsuit and high heels, you feel like an abundant AF boss ass bitch. Add on the fact that the only person I cared about impressing was myself, and it became easier and easier to up that confidence because I stopped caring what other people thought, and I stopped giving time and attention to the possibility that they may be judging me. I feel good in what I am wearing and that is the only thing that matters!

So now I’m in a good mood, all high vibe & feeling abundant, and my confidence is rising – naturally breeding productivity and the feeling of accomplishment. When I get dressed first thing in the morning, I immediately feel like I have accomplished something and I feel ready to go and accomplish the next thing, thus starting a more positive cycle of productivity as opposed to a cycle of procrastination. I have honestly noticed an uptick in my overall productivity and the ability for me to get shit done since getting dressed every day.

So can you see how one simple act that costs me nothing, makes a huge difference in my every day? Thus making me want to do it again the next day, and keeping the positive cycle repeating itself… finally a productive habit!!

I feel as though I am really stepping into my highest self when I get dressed, embodying her energy and living her reality, filled with the things she loves. Naturally causing me to take steps to create and call in that reality that I envision my highest self living. I also feel such a higher feeling of abundance, which is calling more of it in as I am embodying that energy. There is a cycle here people, and we can use it to our advantage, especially when manifesting!

It’s also just such an important tool you can use when starting your journey. It’s an easy, simple, free thing you can do every single day to put yourself in a heightened state, make yourself feel better & up your confidence, and get more shit done because you feel productive and like the accomplished boss you are.

So take a look at your appearance on the daily – do the clothes you’re wearing make you feel good? Do they help to increase your mood and make you feel more confident in yourself? Does it help increase your productivity, or does it make you want to sit on the couch and eat chips while watching reruns all day?

Choose to focus on your appearance and choose to get dressed for you, and no one else. Because that is how it is really going to stick, and that is what is going to cause it to have a greater impact on your mood and mindset moving forward.

Also take a look at what your higher self would be doing (and what she or he would be wearing) every day – what is a simple and small step you can commit to every day to embody more of that energy, thus stepping deeper into that reality you’ve been dreaming up?

Then go do that thing.

With endless love, light & good vibes,

P.S. I have also recorded & uploaded an IGTV video to go along with this; it’s under 10 minutes, so if you would like to cover all your bases, you can find it on my Instagram Channel!

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