Feel all the Feelings

It is not always easy to stay on “the path,” but detours are the nature of the game. It is very easy, however, to get caught up in all the good stuff. Especially in the beginning of our journeys, & especially if we’re coming out of a particularly dark place. There are soo many good feelings when we start to see the power that (plot twist) actually does exist inside you. Then comes the synchronicities and all out magic orchestrated by the Universe. You’re manifesting things, you’re being productive, you’re dancing around naked while cleaning your last weeks worth of dishes, you’re working through gnarly limiting beliefs, and you have this mushy ooey gooey feeling welling up inside because holy shit the universe doesn’t hate you… it loves you!


You feel like you’ve just woken up with an anvil on your chest. All of a sudden the world is heavy, you feel heavy, your mind feels heavy, and everything is such a force. You want to keep doing things but it’s like you can’t even force yourself – the needle has fallen under the E. 

Well all those limiting beliefs you are working through need a little more attention, and this is them putting their foot down. You’ve been acknowledging them, but not so much hearing them. Turns out, it’s so easy to get caught up in all the magic that it goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) it’s also easy to shove those uncomfortable feelings & emotions under the rug (and down into that trap door with your starving inner dragon). 

What happens when milk goes bad in your fridge? When it sits there and just festers because your older child thought it would be hilarious to push it back behind everything so the younger one couldn’t get it – and then you know what happens next. WELL that my fine friend – that is what you are doing with the funky feelings you don’t really want to get down with.

You can smell it now can’t you?

Well now look. Now you have to deal with all the chunks and extra bullshit, when you could have just poured that fcker down the sink two weeks ago.

I get it – you feel like you need to be high vibe alllllll the time, and if you spend more than 8 seconds being not high vibe, you’ll ruin everything. Plot twist: you won’t. It will actually do you more harm not to deal with these feelings because then they sit there under all the high vibeness and undermine everything. They have no chill. 

So sit there. Sit there in a safe space with yourself and cry, or scream, or flail, or shake, or punch a pillow. It does not have to be that dramatic – you can also journal, meditate, take a hot relaxing bath etc., but sit there and feel the entirety of those feelings in any way you have to – feel the fear and feel where it is coming from. Understand it and hear what it has to say – not only does it call to be healed, but it has something to teach you. 

& then let that shit go.

Release it, and replace it with thoughts that better serve you and how you want to feel, how you want your reality to look. You know, those nice little I Am affirmations (but the ones with actual power – the ones that give you a gut punch when you look yourself in the eyes and say them). 

This will keep happening, because you have begun your journey and all that yearns to be healed is coming to the surface to have its story heard. But if we can sit down and face these feelings, this discomfort, before they fester and turn chunky, then we’ll be able to more effectively get back to that wonderful feeling of high vibe joyfulness. 

Key things to remember:

Be patient with yourself – this process does not happen overnight, nor does any part of your journey for that matter. You have had the same belief system your entire life, the same fears – and now you are challenging it. Be patient with yourself and with your ego – you deserve the grace.

Step by Step – Don’t try going at it all at once, you’ll want to vomit from overwhelm. One step at a time, one belief at a time, one mental breakdown at a time, one epiphany at a time – ONE STEP AT A TIME. You get the point. 

You don’t have to be high vibe 100% of the time – The Universe responds much more powerfully to the good stuff than it does the not-so-good stuff. It wants the good vibes, and thus it focuses more on those. The Universe also understands you’ve got some shit going on in your internal world, and every now and again you will have to feel the shit from that shit – it is not going to punish you for that, and it is not going to take away all that you have been working towards. And as clearly stated, you need to feel that yucky stuff to release it & make space for more of the yummy stuff. 

Stay the course beautiful humans – you can do it, in fact – you are doing it

There is enough magic in this world to go around, always, and that magic will wait for you while you heal your hurt. & it too shall fester – but instead of chunks, it expands it’s love and it’s possibilities so it’s bursting with the good stuff when it comes back to you.

Can you tell I had to pour out old milk this morning?

With love, light & good vibes,
Ash xx

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