Turmeric Oats & Eggs

Oats are a beautiful thing. They are simple and plain, and you can dress them up however you want! I usually go the sweeter route with my oats, but decided to switch it up and see what I could come up with. SUCCESS. So now, I present to you, the beautiful combination of savory oats and eggs. I will be experimenting with this combination further, so keep your eyes peeled as I discover more savory oat recipes. Get your taste buds ready because this could be a wild ride!

The first thing I thought of when I embarked on a mission to make savory oats was vegetables. I usually have fruit as a topping, or compote mixed in, so I figured what better place to start than veggies. There is so much room for customization here, as the realm of vegetables is vast. Oats have a good amount of protein in them, and the egg adds an extra protein boost, so make sure to add veggies with fiber, potassium, vitamins and so on. Healthy fats are also important to add in there, which is provided in this particular recipe by the cheese and nuts. So try out this bad boy, see what you think, and get creative!


  • Oats
    • Cooked with water, but milk would work as well. I used the measurements and serving size on the oat container.
  • Ground turmeric
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt & pepper
  • 1 scoop of Further Food marine collagen
  • Garlic & herb cheddar cheese


  • 1 Free range egg
  • Sautéed brussel sprouts
  • Red onion
  • Walnuts
  • More cheese
  • Trader Joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning


1. Saute the brussel sprouts and red onion in a pan with olive oil (or your oil of choice).

2. While waiting for the veggies to get tender, cook the oats in the water until ready, use the directions on the container. Then stir in the remaining ingredients. I eyeballed the spices, per usual, so do what feels right for you and your taste buds. I chose to make the turmeric the predominant spice.

3. Somewhere in this mess, cook the egg as well. I did it in the same pan as my veggies, and just pushed them to one side. You do you.

4. When everything is done cooking, transfer your oats into a bowl, and top with the egg, veggies, walnuts, cheese, and bagel seasoning.

5. Enjoy!


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