Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash

I’d been looking for a creative way to eat my first acorn squash, and boy, did I hit the jackpot. I made this around the holidays so I stuck to the festive theme.

The flavors played off each other so nicely; the cranberries gave it a bitter kick, while the almonds sweetened it up a little. The quinoa and acorn squash worked together to make a wonderful base for these flavors. But there’s only so much flavor you can get from reading this, so go make it yourself! You won’t regret it 😉

Per usual, I didn’t measure out my ingredients. I much prefer to wing it and flavor it as I go. So get creative with measurements and work towards your favorite taste.

Original Recipe
Gluten Free/Dairy Free/Vegetarian

Servings: 2 (large)


  • Acorn squash
  • Red quinoa
  • Red onion
  • Red pepper
  • Garlic
  • Cranberries
  • Almonds
  • Honey
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Ground thyme


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Trim the acorn squash in half, length-ways, and scoop out the seeds.
  3. Cover each side in olive oil, salt and pepper; then place on a baking sheet.
  4. Roast squash until tender, about 30-45 minutes.
    • If you’re a little more impatient, you can kick the oven up to 450 and it should take 25-35 minutes
  5. While waiting for the squash to roast, cook the quinoa as directed on the package.
    • Just boil some water, cover it, simmer, and wait for that goodness!
  6. Once the quinoa is on, grab a large saucepan and saute the red onion, red pepper, and garlic in olive oil and salt. When they’re almost done, add the cranberries in; this softens them up without cooking them long enough to pop.
  7. Coat the almonds in honey and place on a baking sheet. Pop in the oven with your acorn squash for the last 10ish minutes, until they start to caramelize and brown.
    • Flip the almonds halfway through and remove from baking sheet immediately upon taking it out. I didn’t do this and my almonds hardened and got stuck.
  8. When quinoa, veggies, and almonds are done, combine them all into the large saucepan. Add salt, pepper, and ground thyme to taste.
  9. Take the acorn squash out the oven and scrape the insides with a fork, loosening it up.
  10. Put your stuffing into the squash, drizzle with a little extra honey, and ENJOY!

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