Welcome to the good vibes!
Vibing With Life is the home of a variety of passions, coming together with the goal of helping others along their journeys. This blog and this brand have gone through many phases of their own, and have once again blossomed into something new and fun. This is a place for all things growth in all different areas of life! Personal growth, healing, learning, and change does not have to be boring or laden with pressure. We can level up our consciousness and our lives, all while having a damn good time.
Throughout Vibing with Life, you will find topics ranging from personal development, inner healing, nature and life experiences, a little travel, and a lot about dogs.
If there is one thing I have learned, it’s this:
Healing comes in infinite forms. The moment we take the barriers and boundaries away from healing, undefine it and allow its fluidity, is the moment our awareness opens and our journey truly begins. Sometimes, healing isn’t about the deep diving. Sometimes, it’s about becoming a better dog owner, increasing the happiness of you and your dog, and the health of your relationship. It doesn’t always have to look how you think it should. Allow your journey to look different from others, and unique to you. You never know where your path might lead; let that be a beautiful thing.
Here’s to our journeys to vibe with life!
With love, light, and all the best vibes,

The Latest Dog Vibes
- Cancel CollarsDog Collars: An accessory, usually cute, used for the purpose of displaying your dog’s tags and information. This is the ONLY purpose dog collars have,…
- Bully Breeds Are Not The BulliesWe condemn stereotyping people, so why not dogs?It takes the fault of a human to wield a weapon, so why does that not apply to…
- An Open Letter from Bully BreedsAn original poem written in honor of the XL Bully’s in the United Kingdom and all the angels that heaven will gain far too soon….

The Latest in Growth
- Comfortably UncomfortableThe thing about our ego, which happens to be the facilitator of what lives in the subconscious, is that the comfort zone is home. The…
- 25 Lessons from 25 Years of LifeAs March 20th was my 26th birthday, I am sharing 25 lessons I have learned on the way here. It has been a wild ride,…
- WHY Do Inner Work?Inner work is one of those topics that has blown up, being talked about left and right – everywhere you look on social media now…

The Latest for You
- Time BY Myself Turned Time WITH MyselfThe time I spend alone has transformed into something I now cherish and even crave. It is a necessary part of my self-care and contributes…
- Nature HealsHave you ever taken a walk barefoot through the forest? Have you ever swam naked in a natural body of water? Or danced in the…
- The Pursuit of AuthenticityMany of us are on our own pursuit of authenticity, and for those of us who have begun this pursuit – we know it is…

The Latest Good Vibes
- Life in TucsonIt’s been 4 months since we moved to Tucson, Arizona, and what a wild 4 months it has been. I knew it would be a…
- Moving Cross-Country During a Global PandemicWe are living in some wild times as I have no doubt everyone is feeling. 2020 has been absolutely nuts, with the forefront being COVID-19…